Irrigation Control

Optimize Growth
Damatex's Tailored Irrigation, Fertigation, and pH Control Solutions

At Damatex, we recognize that precise irrigation, fertigation, and pH control are critical components of successful crop production. That’s why we offer custom-designed equipment and solutions tailored to suit your specific production techniques and requirements.

Features & Benefits

1. Custom Equipment Design:
Our team designs and builds custom irrigation and fertigation equipment to perfectly align with your production techniques. Whether you utilize hydroponic systems, drip irrigation, or other methods, our solutions are tailored to optimize water and nutrient delivery to your crops.

2. pH Adjustment Precision:
Our systems include sophisticated pH adjustment mechanisms, featuring acid/base injection pumps and redundant pH sensors for added security. This ensures precise control over pH levels in your irrigation water, critical for optimal nutrient uptake and plant health.

3. Flexible Water Distribution:
Freshwater distribution to zones is effortlessly managed through our control software, allowing you to schedule watering cycles according to your crop’s needs. 

4. Fertigation Efficiency:
Our fertigation systems are equipped with acid injection pumps for pH adjustment and fertilizer injection venturis for EC adjustment. 

More Benefits

5. Enhanced Security Measures:
Flow sensors in injection loops prevent acid and fertilizer injection in the absence of flow, enhancing safety and preventing waste. Alarms are generated in the event of failure, providing timely alerts for prompt resolution.

6. Monitoring and Regulation:
Our systems include temperature sensors for monitoring and recording irrigation water temperature, allowing you to track environmental conditions and optimize growth parameters. Water pressure is self-regulated using variable frequency drives, ensuring consistent and efficient irrigation.

7. User-Defined Control:
Tank recirculation schedules are easily defined by users, allowing for customized management of water circulation and nutrient distribution. This flexibility empowers growers to fine-tune their irrigation and fertigation practices for maximum productivity.

Maximize Yield with Damatex

With Damatex’s advanced irrigation, fertigation, and pH control solutions, you can optimize growth conditions and maximize yield potential. From precise pH adjustment to efficient water distribution and enhanced security measures, our systems provide the tools you need for success in crop production. Experience the difference with Damatex and unlock the full potential of your cultivation operations.

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